Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) NHS health teams are offering catch-up vaccine clinics for those youngsters who may have missed their regular pre-school age vaccinations.

With a number of dates and venues on offer, it is the perfect opportunity to ensure your child is ready to start school better protected.

The NHS provides vaccines to children as part of their routine immunisation schedule and full dosage of vaccination will provide the best protection. Vaccines are the most effective way to prevent infectious diseases.

Getting vaccinated against some of these more common diseases is vitally important as they can lead to other serious health issues including meningitis, hearing loss and problems during pregnancy.

The vaccines on offer include:

  • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella
  • The pre-school booster
  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus and Polio
  • HPV which protects against some cancers
  • MenACWY which protects against all four strains of the meningococcal bacteria.

Chief nursing officer for BOB, Rachael Corser said: ‘”Vaccines are safe, quick and free as part of the NHS routine immunisation schedule – and it is never too late to give your child protection."

“We are urging parents to check their child’s Red Book or speak to their GP practice to ensure all their immunisations are up to date."

“Full vaccination is vital to help keep everyone safe and prevent any increase in infection in communities. For example, two doses of the MMR vaccine give 99% protection against measles and rubella and about 88% protection against mumps.”

To book a vaccination please visit the BOB Stay Well website here: StayWell bob/catch up clinics.nhs.uk

Parents and guardians can find out more about vaccines at: nhs.uk and search 'NHS vaccinations'.